
Welcome to my website and the home of my official blog. I am a freelance  writer and musician and I publish articles from an array of different subject matters including music and restaurant reviews, interviews and some of my own creative writing. I enjoy getting out and about in Cornwall. Living in such a unique and beautiful part of the world has its advantages, and one of those is a host of tasty restaurants and attractions located to serve the many tourists we get from across the world! So stay tuned for my latest adventures in Cornwall’s exciting collection of restaurants and cafes. I am a musician and ultimately a huge music lover. On my site you will find a host of album reviews, live concert reviews and interviews from global bands. I have always enjoyed creating my own original stories and poems so be sure to check out my short stories, novel openings and poetry collections as they get published here, too.


I have built up a portfolio of creative writing stretching from short stories and poems to song lyrics and newspaper articles. The first outlet for my work came between two sites; my own ‘www.danielaston.co.uk’ and ‘http://www.rockpulse.co.uk/’. I began to write a collection of in-depth music reviews on the former site, which is a WordPress website run by me. The reviews proved popular and a national music site (rockpulse) took me on as an in-house writer. I was then given contacts with various record companies and this gave me the chance to organise interviews with an array of artists, some of which have a worldwide audience. You can see these interviews on both sites and they were conducted by myself via email and skype.

I am aiming for a career in copywriting and marketing. I have gained some experience in the field through Cornish media company, Genius Loci. The company has a large field of clients ranging from luxury hotels, restaurants and artists. I have recently attended business meetings at The Work Box in Penzance. Here I have been able to network with local businesses and specifically writers. I have attended specific copywriting events from which I have gained a wealth of knowledge in the subject. I have also had a work experience placement with Cornish World Media where I worked and produced content for Cornish World Magazine in Penzance. Some of my work was published in the magazine and I was set field assignments such as contacting potential interviewees, driving out to meet them and photographing the area for a magazine article.

Currently, I am in my final year of a BA(hons) English Language and Literature degree with The Open University. I opted to study this way when I left college in order to obtain work experience and earn money in place of taking on masses of student debt like everybody else.


My musical taste is wide so don’t be surprised to find a vast selection of genres covered on my site. My reviews are rated on a scale of 0 to 10 with maximum points being given to what I believe to be truly masterpieces of music. Accompanying the reviews is my summary of the top three tracks the album has to offer (TTT) so you can delve into the record’s highlights if you’re unsure if it’s going to be worth your time and money.

I am a musician and songwriter and my debut EP ‘The Way Home’ was released last year. It has received some great reviews and the Google Plus community Musicians on G+ stated ‘Dan Aston is what Dylan fans listen to when not listening to Dylan’ . I also teach guitar privately at my home. You can check out my musical compositions via the links on my ‘music’ page, please let me know what you think!

If you would like me to review your music, set up an interview or if you have any other queries then don’t hesitate to contact me, you can find my contact details on the appropriately named contact page, I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,



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